NSM Challenge (Mid of Sep2021)

Mid of Sep 2021, I have a dietitian friends (JH), she posted about recipe of egg plant. After looking at the recipe video I feel like I want to cook it in the coming weekend as I am a huge egg plant lovers.

After try out to make some modifications based on her recipes'. After that, I sent her the pictures and she suggested me to participate in NSM (Nutrition Society of Malaysia) Healthy Nutrition Practice Challenge.

The Mid September Challenges was:
Here are the participation screenshot:
They are very sweet, they really sent me the prize after the challenge. I'm very happy even it is just a small gift. 😘

I have extract some useful information for the magazine.

1. What is Whole Grains & Benefits of Whole Grains
2. Tips to select varieties of proteins food

3. Nutrition Label
Tomorrow, they are going to have the next series 2 weeks challenges. I hope that everyday I could join so that can share this challenges to others people and earn a prize 😉 😍

The Early Oct 2021 Challenges:


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