KOKO Magic Painting Book

Recently my breakfast were koko crunch with milk. I didn't have such a luxury breakfast during my kids times until I start working. Kinda funny. Last week, my dad went and buy a box of koko crunch and they come with a gift --- A Free Magic Painting Book with Brush. According to the cover page they have 3 series:
  1. Wonder of the world
  2. Dinosaur
  3. Jungle
What I got was the Wonder of the world. I really amaze with the gift they gave because the quality is very good as they come with a laminated cover pages and free brushes. Besides the paper quality and printing quality is very good as it contains colour pigment in the ink. Kids just add water to it and paint it. 

They must be earning much as they even have flap page provided to stop water sipping through to other pages. 

In this painting book, as we know there are 7 wonders of the world. Therefore, in total there are 1 intro page and 7 pages of wonder of the world painting. It was my first time painting a water colour as before that I always use Poster colour to paint. This is the comparison between the original and after painting.

After I finished the first intro pages, my families and boyfriend all said that why don't you just pour water and simply brush as it already have pigment at there. I said "Cannot, it doesn't that easy as it can messed up the other painting object as the colour can sip through to other object. It need skills yar. Haha."

It was my first time doing water colour painting and I realize it has quite different experience compared to poster colour painting. Water colour painting results will be very various based on the direction of your brush when painting, the water amount used to paint the drawing etc. I also learn some colour mixing technique from the pre-printed paint book. Everytime when you put water on the printing, you can have some surprise on the colour that is going to be diffuse. Is kinda fun! Ya, I'm still a kid.

Let's look at the 7's wonder of the world painting results:

1. The Great Wall of China -- China

2. Chichen Itza -- Mexico

3. Machu Picchu -- Peru

4. Petra -- Jordan

5. The roman Colosseum -- Italy
6. Taj Mahal -- India
7. The Great Pyramid of Giza -- Egypt
Lastly, I really love the free gift that koko crunch gave along the product. I still remember during my kids time, the most favorite games are bowling, hamster ball and koko crunch CD game they given away when I was small. Not really know, is the CD still around in somewhere in my house or I have already disposed it. Anyway, uses a few hours of my Saturday and Sunday doing this is quite fun and entertaining. Hope Koko crunch can continue their effort to give away fun and entertaining games/painting for the kids in future as well.


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